TRINAT Detectors
BB1 Silicon Strip Detectors
- Double sided silicon strip detectors - Micron Semiconductor
BB1 Silicon Strip Detectors Shipment #2
5" Photomultiplier Tubes (9823KB)
Photonis 80 mm MCP
- 80 mm Photonis plates shipped on 9-14-07
Photonis 80 mm MCP #2
- 80 mm plates shipped 3-19-08
NIMIO32 TRINAT 2014 Trigger
BB1 Orientation (2014)
BB1 Pre-amp Documentation
Hamamatsu MCPs F1942-04X specification
- PDF file contining specification of MCPs for HEX75
photonis 40mm MCP detector
- scan of supplied documentation
- conversion of the supplied DOC file into PDF (e-mail from 1 June, 2016 12:52 pm to John Behr)
Invoice for WAS and CATSA preamps
PO for WSA and CATSA preamps
TB1106KSN2 schematic
- The schematic for the Electron Tubes transistorized base on the 5" PMT
- Gamma detector (GAGG)
BB1 Silicon Strip Detectors Layout
- Layout BB1, dimensions, cable info